Author: Samantha

You’re not sick enough.

I was hoping to write a follow up to my road trip article for this week, but I find myself in need of processing some...

Road tripping preparations

My husband and I are planning for a two week road trip through British Columbia, Canada, our home province. It got me thinking back to...

Three Good Things

Throughout my journey to better understand myself, I’ve found journaling techniques to be incredibly helpful. In particular, expressing gratitude through writing has helped me to...

Walking the talk

In a recent article called “The pain of pain relief“, I outlined some of the ways that I’m trying to become a better patient by...

What’s in a name?

A new member of my staff was struggling with health issues in late 2020 that was causing her to miss work. She was also new...

The pain of pain relief

The physiotherapist tells me we’re going to try something new today after I tell him that I’m still experiencing a lot of pain in my...

I’ll cry if I want to

I’m having a crummy week. I’ve been on the brink of tears for some days now. Maybe I’ll watch a sad movie later to coax...

The loss of an identity

I have rewritten this article about the loss of identity seven times now. It’s the hardest one I’ve written to date. Why is it so...

1% More comfortable

Part of accepting my body’s new limits to pain is recognizing that I’ve been contributing to my own discomfort. It’s not fun to admit, but...